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The Newtown Economic Development Commission held a special meeting on Tuesday, April 30, 2013, in Meeting Room #3 at the Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT 06470.
Present:  Donald Sharpe; Vice Chairman, Walter Motyka; Vice Chairman, Elana Bertram; Jean Leonard; Secretary  Joe Humeston.
Absent:  Allan Song; James Gulalo; Martin Gersten.
Also Present: There were no others present.
Donald Sharpe called the meeting to order at 7:08 PM.
Public Participation:  There was no public participation.
Walt Motyka motioned to nominate Jean Leonard for the open position of chairman of the Economic Development Commission.  Elana Bertram seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
Joe Humeston thanked Don Sharpe for his service as chairman of the EDC.
Business Incentive Program applications:
Dr. Curtis Beck:  Discussion regarding Dr. Beck’s application for a new two-story building at 12 Queen St. to house his dental orthodontic speciality practice took place. Walt Motyka motioned to approve an estimated   tax abatement of $38,651 over three years for the $1.375 million project.  Joe Humeston seconded the motion and it passed unanimously, allowing it to move to the Board of Selectmen for further approval.
Hunter Gregory:  Discussion regarding specifics of  a new two-story medical arts building at the Maplewoods complex at 164 Mt. Pleasant Roadtook place.  Jean Leonard motioned to approve  an estimated tax abatement of $165,645 over three years for the $4 million-plus project.  Walt Motyka seconded the motion and it passed unanimously, allowing it to move to the Board of Selectmen for further approval.

Joe Humeston motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:26 PM. The motion was seconded by Walt Motyka and passed unanimously.